Thursday, August 9, 2007

My work

Hi all,

Let me explain the present situation of my workplace, Marurui United Youth Group(MUYOG).
It is a community based organization(CBO), where youth in the community gather and carry out various projects. MUYOG's basic aims are; eradicate poverty through job creation/ become a role model in its community/reduce HIV/AIDS infection, etc.

On mondays, we collect garbage in the community and charge each household a small fee. We also recycle part of the garbage and make plastic posts, sheets, etc. This project has long been supported by World Vision, an international NGO. I' ll experience this garbage collection next Monday!

On Thursdays, we hold "school clubs" in nearby schools. We teach knowledge on HIV/AIDS, childrens' rights to students there. But this school won't start until September, when schools begin.

As every day work, we run a bakery. It's not a big business yet, but we sell bread from early morning. The fried bread, called Maandazi, tastes so good!

The last one is great. I didn't expect it at all, but MUYOG has 6 up-to-date computers, a photocopier, scanner, binder, etc.! This is an attempt to make MUYOG's office a kind of information center in Marurui area. These purchases were done after Ministry of Agriculture accepted our solicitation. We offer services such as printing, photocopying, PC lessons. Our, and my ambition is to connect those PCs to the Internet and run a cyber cafe! I love the idea of connecting Marurui directly to the world.

We don't have much fund, so we always ask companies or NGOs to help us. Today, we visited several publishers in Nairobi to ask them to donate some books. We run a library, but we lack of books.

Huu, it's become such a long blog. I'm happy if you understood a little what I'm doing here.

See you,

1 comment:

bachtk said...

Hi Kei,
I'm Bach.
Sorry for not replying your blog for such a long time. I read your blogs and see that you're doing everything well. It's great to hear you enjoying your time in Marurui, Nairobi and giving your help to people in Kenya and also for your organization.